Chestnuts are blossoming again Chestnuts are blossoming again, The Dnieper wave beats ... (from a song about Kiev)
On February 24, 2022, by the decision of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, the Russian Armed Forces launched a special military operation aimed at protection of the Donbass population, demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine. For the last 8 years, the Ukrainian topic has been in the spotlight for the Russian public. The veterans of the Great Patriotic War (WW2) could not stand by on the side either. On February 27th 2022 we recorded an interview with our veterans for the use on Internet. For these veterans the Ukraine is not only their small homeland with a cherry orchard next to the house, but also the pain of ... Читать дальше »
Reads: 485 |
Date: 31.03.2022
Citizens of Soviet Ukraine at a demonstration on the International Workers' Day, 1st May I grew up in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic (SSR). The period 1965-1985 is the happiest time for me, my family, friends and tens of millions of residents of the Ukrainian SSR. The grandmother of my school friend from the Vinnytsia region (Western Ukraine), who was born under the Tsar, said that ordinary Ukrainians had never lived better than under the Soviet rul ... Читать дальше »
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Date: 29.03.2022
In early June 2020, another piece of achievements of the so-called leader of the liberal opposition, Alexei Navalny became the TV news theme. Navalny rudely insulted the WW2 front-line soldier and other honored people of Russia who supported the amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation (calling them "corrupt lackeys, shame of the country, traitors"). Insulting Colonel Ignat Sergeevich Artemenko (94), Navalny insulted all the veterans of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. On behalf of the mem ... Читать дальше »
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Date: 04.03.2021
Russian veterans at the Soviet War Memorial in London, May 9, 2016 The further the year of 1945 goes down in history, the less and less of the war heroes we have beside us. We are eternally grateful to the feat of arms of the soldiers of the country and heroic actions of workers of the home front. Our gratitude goes to those who carried the weight of the hardships of the war, overcame pain and won over the death itself. Thank you to those ... Читать дальше »
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Date: 04.01.2021
The annual British Embassy Service of Remembrance was held in St Andrew’s Church, Moscow on Sunday 8 November 2020. Due to the pandemic, a number of additional safety measures had to be taken including no singing, no mass laying of wreaths, and 50% less guests. Unfortunately, these restrictions precluded invitation of Russian WW2 veterans this year. But the Ambassador was determined to proceed with the event so that the Embassy and its guests could mark this important occasion properly. The French and Italian Ambassador gave readings. ... Читать дальше »
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Date: 18.11.2020
Part 2 The Russian president offers a comprehensive assessment of the legacy of World War II, arguing that "Today, European politicians, and Polish leaders in particular, wish to sweep the Munich Betrayal under the carpet. The Munich Betrayal showed to the Soviet Union that the Western countries would deal with security issues without taking its interests into account." ... Читать дальше »
Reads: 635 |
Date: 21.07.2020
Part 1 The Russian president offers a comprehensive assessment of the legacy of World War II, arguing that "Today, European politicians, and Polish leaders in particular, wish to sweep the Munich Betrayal under the carpet. The Munich Betrayal showed to the Soviet Union that the Western countries would deal with security issues without taking its interests into account."< ... Читать дальше »
Reads: 605 |
Date: 21.07.2020
Former Hampshire batsman Lt Cdr (RN) John Manners has been awarded a major honour by Norway for his role as part of the Royal Navy during the Second World War. Manners, who became the oldest living first-class cricketer last year and is now 105 years old, was honoured for his role in the liberation of Norway in a special presentation made by the Norweg ... Читать дальше »
Reads: 937 |
Date: 02.12.2019
1st row veterans Valentin Soldatov, Nina Danilkovich, Thor Hotsbro 2nd row Lt. Colonel (Retd.) Tor Mulkelien, Lt. Colonel (Retd.) Alexander Goncharov Since 2012, within the framework of the Russian-Bri ... Читать дальше »
Reads: 871 |
Date: 24.11.2019
Inscription on the front of the monument – To children who died during the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 On 25th December 1941, in a village east of Kursk city, an 11-year-old girl helped a wounded Soviet officer to escape from a German interrogation. It cost the child her life. ... Читать дальше »
Reads: 967 |
Date: 24.11.2019